Cresson TB Sanatorium Remembered
Charles Wright

I received the following material from Charles Wright on November 2010.   His email address is

Charles Wright was a 9 year old boy living in Leetsdale, Pa when a TB patch test administered in grade school showed a positive result.  A subsequent x-ray revealed a “slight hazy shadowing” on his right lung.  He was sent to Cresson san on September 8, 1938.   During that time, he remembers being on the playground and attending school, much like the preventorium children and spending his 10th birthday there in October 1938.  He had his tonsils taken out in January or February 1939.   While at the san, Charles had numerous skin and sputum tests, all of which were negative.  He was discharged on June 25, 1939.   

Charles doesn’t remember getting a discharge letter when he left the san in 1939.  However, for insurance purposes, Charles wrote to the san in 1951 for a letter certifying that he did not have TB.  The reply by Harry W, Weest, the Medical Director, is shown below:




Charles also has a “Souvenir Folder of the Pennsylvania State Sanatorium, Cresson, Pa.”, the same as the one shown on the “San History” page.  A copy of the address page of Charles’ folder is shown below which indicates it was mailed in 1938 to his mother (Mrs. Wright) at their home in Leetsdale, Pa.  As a young boy, Charles was not aware of these postcards and had no money to buy them.  So the question of who bought this postcard folder and sent it to his mother remains unanswered to this day. 
